Victory? Not completely
Lusta vagyok most kétszer leírni ugyanazt, úgyhogy át is váltok angolra:) It does not sound like a march. The beginning is really not victory-like, as the others said. I imagined an army, just defeated, they have been caught unprepared and suffered terrible losses. They are recooperating and mourning the fallen. This mood continues nearly all over the song, but when the drums come in at the end it sounds like they are taking a merciless but justified revenge, in honor of their fallen brothers. Only that's when it sounds like victory, and even then it's kinda bittersweet.
Now the technical opinion: I think you could have put in some slower quieter drums through the whole song and then switch into faster louder ones at the victory part. Other than that it's perfect. I really like it, though it's not really my kind of song, I prefer the march-sounding classical songs.